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Business hours:
24/7 for emails, live chat and WhatsApp
9 am – 5 pm CE(S)T, Monday to Friday for phone calls

Our Customer Support communicates in 16 languages:
English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Czech, Japanese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Serbian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Russian, Polish, Arabic.



Quadrio offices

Purkynova 2121/3
110 00 Prague, Czech Republic

About company

The company is registered by the municipal court in Prague, Czech Republic.

FFTC Evaluation Global s.r.o.
Purkyňova 2121/3
110 00 Prague, Czech Republic
ID: 09213651
VAT: CZ699005540

FFTC Evaluation US s.r.o.
Purkyňova 2121/3
110 00 Prague, Czech Republic
ID: 09213741
VAT: CZ699005540

FFTC s.r.o.
Purkyňova 2121/3
110 00 Prague, Czech Republic
ID: 03136752
VAT: CZ699005540

Contact us